A travel pack for your daily beauty maintenance.
Using organic Aloe Vera extract for its upmost natural healing power. Bring along when travel ..
Cleanser, Toner and Soothing Gel
Travelling is supposing to be enjoying , widen your views and broaden your knowledge.
But, today travelers must have physical and mentality preparation before travelling overseas especially travelling alone.
I used to heard that people travelling on backpack alone, get hocked up with new friends in different countries and continue travelling together. is it still safe to do that ?
Each countries have their own custom and culture, do not be so naive to ignore or
disrespect others people culture, religion and customs especially !
Here, I have gather email, news clips and real experienced from friends
about incidents you might get scammed or cheated and an eye opening experience
as a foreigner / tourist there.
Hope it will provide you a guide and a safe journey .............