EGYPT: Muslim savages strip and sexually assault Dutch woman in Tahrir Square

by barenakedislam

Several women, some of them foreign, have been brutally attacked and raped by men near Cairo's Tahrir Square in the past few days. A blonde Dutch tourist was the latest piece of 'white meat' attacked by the sex-crazed Muslim barbarians.

Global Post Journalists and activists reported from downtown Cairo that a foreign woman was at the center of a big commotion in a street adjacent to the square, and later reported to have been sexually assaulted and hauled away in an ambulance.

video reportedly of a blonde woman being assaulted in Tahrir on Wednesday night, following anniversary celebrations, was posted Friday morning by Egyptian blogger and student,@RamyYaacoub.

Her husband was unable to protect her from the mob, and a number of other people that came to her aid were also attacked. The woman was stripped and attacked for 10 minutes.

It's a nasty byproduct of having tens of thousands of people, most of them young men, in one space and with no police presence to speak of. Several incidents of sexual assault, by Egyptian men against both Egyptian and foreign women, have been reported in and around Cairo's Tahrir Square since anti-military protests intensified this week.  

But sexual assault is not confined to Tahrir, and has long been an issue on the streets of Egypt.

In 2008, the Egyptian Centre for Women's Rights (ECWR) described sexual harassment as a "social cancer," with 83 percent of Egyptian women and 98 percent of foreign women in Egypt reporting having been sexually harassed.