The risk of eating Ra-Mien (noodle) in China - see what chemical has been added to make the noodle delicious !

This restaurant is located in Fushan , China , serving very popular Lanzhou Ra- Mien (noodle)

with daily sales of 700 - 1200 bowls.....


According to the boss, to make such 'nice' noodle, some chemical tenderizer
have been added during the mixing process.

According to the boss, all Lanzhou Ra Mien contain this harmful chemical.

This chemical is packed in two difference types of packaging.  $3 for the white &

$5 for the blue.

The functions of this chemical is to tenderize, improve elasticity/softness of the noodles...

Experiment conducted with this chemical in a paper cup, and you see for

yourself, how much of damages this chemical can cause.....


                                        On the second day, this chemical has sipped through the paper cup


This much of damage caused to the floor....                     this is the floor after washing....

                                                         the damaging effect is still very visible after a long period...

So, what do you think your stomach will become, after

eating the delicious Ra-Mien  ????