Cancer prevention
- Ginger
- Miracle Drink
- Lemon
- Guyabano
- Asparagus
- Papaya
Lung Cancer
-Natural Phytochemicals
High Cholesterol
- Black Fungus
- Miracle Drink
- Papaya
- Rock Salt
Healthy Drinks
- Drinks 1
- Drinks 2
- Barley
- Car Air Conditioning
- Coffee Is Good For Your Health
- Cholesterol Drug &Heart Risks
- Colon Cleansing
- Diet Sweet Poison
- Egg Prevents Heart & Cancer
- 5 Signs of Unhealthy Heart
- The Real Health Killer
Doctor believes clinical research shows
common $2.50 Ballpark snack could plummet
your cholesterol readings, prevent an enlarged prostate, even balance your blood sugar...
and that's just in the first 30 days!
THE FOOD DOCTOR- Discover a New Revolution in Functional Foods
Dr. Victor Marchione, M.D. is a leading champion of a new form of medicine.
He’s using scientifically proven foods to heal disease in brilliant new ways.
Dear Friend,
As a board-certified medical doctor, I can offer my patients the latest drugs and
surgical techniques.
But some of the most promising medical breakthroughs I’m prescribing today are
FOODS. I call them “functional foods.”
That’s because you can use them in targeted ways to heal specific health problems.
Medical researchers have discovered literally thousands of healing nutrients in foods.
Clinical research studies at leading universities have documented the healing results.
And I see it for myself in my daily work with patients
Case Histories of Remarkable Healing
Using Nature’s Miracle Medicine: FOOD!
As you’ll see in this special report, functional foods go far beyond just providing basic
nutrition. They perform specific medicinal effects in your body.
In these pages, you’ll get an inside look at biologically active components in functional foods.
You’ll see how the functional foods I prescribe in my medical practice could help you
relieve pain, reduce blood pressure, and lower cholesterol. And these foods also
ake you feel more happy, relaxed and energized.
Nature’s Miracle Healers Now Proven
by Modern Science
Foods can heal you in ways drugs never can. Why? Because our bodies evolved
over millions of years to thrive on foods. Foods are nature’s way to repair, restore
and rejuvenate. They heal your body without dangerous side effects.
There’s a saying in natural medicine: “For every disease known to man, there’s a
country where it virtually doesn’t exist.” The Japanese have lower rates of heart
disease. East Indians rarely get Alzheimer’s. What makes the difference? Diet.
In my 24 years as a medical doctor, one truth keeps sounding loud as a bell in
my daily work with patients. In a nutshell, this is:
Food is the cause of the vast majority of
our health problems, and food is also the solution.
Americans are overfed and undernourished. According to the U.S. Surgeon General,
“Two thirds of all deaths are directly affected by improper diet.”
The top killers—such as heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer’s, diabetes, even arthritis,
asthma, and allergies—are all linked to our diets. And these could all be reversed and
prevented by eating the right foods.
I believe the root cause of many chronic diseases may actually be deficiencies in
nutrients—many of which science hasn’t even discovered yet. And I can tell you
that if you’re eating the standard American diet, it’s very likely that you have critical
deficiencies in phytonutrients—the miracle healers found in plants!
Yes, drugs can relieve the symptoms of disease, but drugs rarely cure the underlying
condition the way foods can. That’s why I’m so excited by the breakthroughs in
phytonutrients and functional foods. For example, new research shows that foods
can actually help you…
Miracle Phytonutrient #1:
Nutrient in Blueberries Lowers Cholesterol Like
Prescription Drugs!
Pterostilbene is a remarkable phytonutrient that is making big news.
It’s a powerful antioxidant found in blueberries. Scientists are buzzing about its
amazing cancer-fighting and cholesterol-lowering ability.
Results from Research Study
Researchers tried to see if pterostilbene could lower cholesterol. They tested it
against ciprofibrate, a cholesterol-lowering drug. The study explored how each
ingredient helped cells metabolize cholesterol.
The results showed that Pterostilbene was just as effective as prescription drugs
in reducing cholesterol!
Need to reduce your cholesterol? Just enjoy some blueberries. How’s that for a
delicious bonus from your dessert?
Miracle Phytonutrient #2:
Cut Your Arthritis Risk IN HALF
Certain types of fruits and vegetables are rich in a powerful, yet little-known nutrient called beta-cryptoxanthin.
This phytonutrient was shown in a medical study of 25,000 people to cut the risk of
inflammatory arthritis in half.
A large health study following the diets of Americans between ages 45 and 74 found
that those who ate produce high in beta-cryptoxanthin had a 50% lower risk of arthritis.
Imagine—you might not need drugs for joint pain because you won’t have the pain in
the first place!
Miracle Phytonutrient #3:
Switch on Genes That Fight Cancer
Flavonoids are remarkable natural compounds that have a wide range of healing
effects on your body. In the test tube, flavonoids have up to five times the antioxidant
power of vitamin C. They hunt down and absorb free radicals before they cause aging
and disease.
But in the body, scientists have found flavonoids have even more unique properties.
According to breakthrough research by the Linus Pauling Institute in Oregon, flavonoids
can actually change the way genes are expressed in the body.
They cause the body to “switch on” in ways that can fight or prevent cancer. Flavonoids
force the body into making enzymes that destroy the substances that cause mutations
and tumors.
The scientists also say they may trigger certain “mechanisms” in the body that kill cancer
cells and stop tumors from growing. But did you know that foods contain...
Miracle Phytonutrient #4
Aggressive Cancer HALTED
One type of phytonutrient found in vegetables has been documented to reduce cancer
44% in a study by Harvard University. These amazingly powerful nutrients are called
It turns out that the real cancer-fighting agent is created when the vegetables are
chewed and digested. Then the glucosinolates turn into a far more potent cancer
fighter called isothiocyanates. In the study, isothiocyanates stopped even the most
aggressive form of bladder cancer.
So you see, foods can have quite different reactions in the body. Just isolating and
extracting the nutrients in foods doesn’t always work. This is further evidence why
functional foods should be your first choice for healing. A supplement might only
contain glucosinolates ,which may not digest into the cancer-fighting forms
without the other components in the real food.
Miracle Phytonutrient #5:
Lower Blood Pressue in
Two Weeks — with Candy!
A 2005 medical study found that chocolate can significantly reduce blood
pressure in just two weeks.
Italian researchers gave healthy people various types of chocolate. They
discovered one type had a greater ability to reduce blood sugar and lower
blood pressure.
This type of chocolate contains a full range of beneficial phytonutrients. These
include antioxidants, flavonoids, phenols, epicatechin, and essential minerals.
These nutrients make chocolate not only tasty, but also beneficial for your heart.
Can you imagine a better way to reduce your blood pressure? But make sure
you use the right type of chocolate. Typical chocolate in the average candy bar
won’t do the job.
Miracle Phytonutrient #6:
HALT Heart Disease and Cancer with TABLE SYRUP!
The antioxidant enzyme called super oxide dismutase is a relatively new discovery.
Called S.O.D for short, this antioxidant scavenges your body to eliminate free radicals
before they can cause aging, heart disease or cancer.
One of the best ways to get plenty of super oxide dismutase is also a delicious treat:
It’s maple syrup!
If you’re choosing between real maple syrup and the typical high-fructose table syrups,
consider this: Choose pure maple syrup and get a priceless boost of cancer-fighting,
youth-preserving S.O.D free.
Miracle Phytonutrient #7:
The Snack that Zaps Cholesterol, Prevents Enlarged Prostate,
Balances Blood Sugar and Much More
It might seem illogical that you could reduce your cholesterol by eating, but it’s true.
Researchers discovered that pistachio nuts and sunflower seeds contain unique
phytosterols that can block cholesterol from being absorbed into your bloodstream.
These phytosterols could also help prevent cancer and heart disease, treat enlarged
prostate, and control blood sugar in diabetics.
Miracle Phytonutrient #8:
The Amazing Heart Protector
Medical researchers have been puzzled about the French. How can they eat one
of the fattiest, most cholesterol-ridden diets in the world, yet have one of the lowest
rates of heart disease? They found the answer in red wine. Wine contains a potent
antioxidant called resveratrol.
Resveratrol is the subject of exciting new breakthroughs in longevity research.
Scientists have found they can make lab animals live up to six times longer by
feeding them this miraculous nutrient.
Miracle Nutrient #9:
Block Cancer with Mustard
We take mustard for granted, but this often-ignored spice contains special
polysaccharides that can help prevent cancer.
Canadian researchers have shown it to be effective in preventing colon cancer,
the third-most common type. Researchers showed mustard actually blocked the
cellular changes that trigger cancer.
Lab animals had a 60% decrease in precancerous lesions that lead to cancer.
The best type: Use mustard seed itself. The white seeds are best. Mustard
greens are also an excellent choice.
Miracle Phytonutrients
#10 and #11:
Macular Degeneration Risk Cut 60%!
Lutein and zeaxanthin are two nutrients shown to reduce the risk of age-related
macular degeneration (AMD) and cataracts.
A study by Harvard University showed that these nutrients act like natural
sunglasses to protect the macula in the eye from sun exposure.
Miracle Phytonutrients
#12 and #13:
The Amazing Anti-
Inflammatory Fruit
Strawberries are so packed with anti-inflammatory nutrients that I liken them
to a drug for their powerful effects.
They are so rich in phenols, in particular, miracle phytonutrients called anthocyanins
and ellagitannins. These are powerful antioxidants that prevent the oxidative damage
that can cause cancer, heart disease, and other diseases of aging.
The unique phenols prevent the clogging of the arteries that causes heart attacks and
strokes. Unlike drugs, strawberries have no dangerous side effects. Even better—
they taste great!
Miracle Phytonutrient #14:
REVERSE Age-Related
Degeneration of the Brain!
Extensive research has shown that berries have powerful effects to delay and even
help reverse the aging process of the brain.
It is believed that the nutrients in berries can prevent or delay the onset of Alzheimer’s.
Some of the key phytonutrients in berries are called anthocyanins. These are
remarkable brain-boosting chemicals that can help you preserve your memory
and clear up an occasional case of “brain fog.
Miracle Phytonutrient #15:
The Indian Secret for Relieving Joint Pain
Chances are good that you have a powerful pain blocker in your spice cabinet right now.
Its active ingredient is curcumin.
A remarkable finding at Cornell University shows that curcumin blocks the COX-2 enzyme
that plays a role in causing pain.The new high-priced pain-relieving prescription drugs
do the same thing, but the drugs can have risky side effects. Natural physicians
prescribe this spice to treat rheumatoid arthritis.
In The Food Doctor newsletter, Dr. Marchione shares the latest clinical research on how functional
foods can heal disease. This special report shows you some powerful healing foods you can use today.
New subscribers to The Food Doctor can get 7 special reports FREE with an introductory subscription