Misinformation about a Wuhan lab escape is being promoted at a high political level in the USA, viz by certain Republicans. One such participant is Rand Paul,  Kentucky's Republican senator.

Like Donald Trump, he wants to hang CHINA with responsibility for the present pandemic. He hopes to do it through the conspiracy theory that it all began from an escape of the virus in the Wuhan Lab which had been funded by the USA.

At a Senate hearing session, he accused Dr Fauci of lying about the US funding of high risk virus research in the Wuhan lab.  He said to Dr Fauci: "You are trying to obscure responsibility for four million people dying around the planet from a pandemic …"

Dr Fauci explained what the funding of the Wuhan lab was really about (viz not the distorted version that Rand Paul understood). But that fell on deaf ears. Rand Paul had his own agenda to promote.
He said to Dr. Fauci.".. We don’t know … all the evidence is pointing ... it came from the lab and there will be responsibility for those who funded the lab, including yourself…"

In response, Dr Fauci said: "I totally resent the lie that you are now propagating...." 


Rand Paul:   ... you funded it…Will you admit the truth?

Dr Fauci: You are implying that what we did was responsible for the deaths of individuals … I totally resent that … If anybody is lying here, it is YOU!

The short exchange between them is worth listening to. You get a sense of the frustration Dr Fauci had in having to deal with a conspiracy theorist wearing the robes of a 'senator' and who's even prepared to challenge not only the science but also America's most highly regarded expert on the disease.

See video clip in : ABC News'

"You don't know what you're talking about," Fauci told the Kentucky Republican. ByLibby Cathey andSasha Pezenik21 July 2021, 03:45

This is quite a good report of the exchange between Dr Fauci and the conspiracy theorist Senator.

Also in  NY Times: 

If Anybody Is Lying Here Senator, It Is You,’ Fauci Says to Rand Paul, 20 July 2021, by Reuters, 


Dr. Anthony S. Fauci responded angrily to Republican Senator Rand Paul during a committee hearing after Mr. Paul accused him of lying to Congress about the National Institutes of Health funding the “gain of function” research in Wuhan, China.

P/S  It will be a big blow in mankind history if they manage to find / trace who are responsible for the pandemic !! 
The whole issue going to be too complicated for anyone to digest / admit with questions where, how, when, why ..??