By - Dr Dennis Etler, 

Professor of Anthropology, UC Berkeley 8•7•2020

‘As I See It: When the US invades and occupies other nations, killing and wounding millions it's always done in pursuit of its "national security." It seems the US can do so with impunity.

But when China invokes national security to quell foreign supported insurrection in its own territory it is censured and sanctions are imposed.

When the US bans Chinese apps and social media it is done in the name of national security. When China bans US social media to protect its national security it's an infringement of freedom and free market access.

When the US jails dissidents like Chelsea Manning it's done in the name of national security. When China detains a dissident it's a violation of human rights.


When the US oppresses its minorities it's excused as a flaw that needs to be addressed after centuries of neglect. Any resistance by the oppressed is seen as a threat to national security. When China seeks to alleviate the poverty of its minorities it is called genocide.


When the US spends hundreds of billions of dollars on its war budget it's done in the name of national security. When China builds up its defense forces it's called aggressive.

It seems that the US can do as it pleases in the name of it's own national security but China has no right to do the same.’


- Dr Dennis Etler, 

Professor of Anthropology, UC Berkeley 8•7•2020


Totally agreed to what is happening now between the two superpowers. In history US were always the one who invaded other countries in the name of security or unproven accusation, the latest one was Iraq, and we have not heard the result of the investigation and who were responsible for the invasion.

Compare to China is always in its defend positions for the sake of country unity. Some countries are creating tension situation among themselves, at the end you will see who is laughing all the way to the bank…be smart and get smart..