Note :  We have and will be encountered many incidents in life eg. happiness, sadness, positive and excitement moments which are no accident nor coincidence.  Life is likes a stage drama, all casts are in placed and well planned by the invisible someone high above however due to our curiosity in human nature, we always gone to the wrong path to search for short cut, excitement and ego in life  to prove that we are the smarter one on earth.

Along the way, we might intentionally or unintentionally hurt other people feeling, taking advantages of other for our own benefits and some even kill someone directly or indirectly for their achievement.

If we could stop for one moment to help people who are in need of help or to say something good to someone next to you, respect each other with their religions, skin colour, races, gender, poor or rich,  the positive harmony chain reaction will make a better world than what we are now.