*What is politics?*

*A Russian Jew was finally allowed to emigrate to Israel. At Moscow airport, customs found a Lenin statue in his baggage and asked, _"What is this?"_*

*The man replied, _"What is this? Wrong question comrade. You should have asked : Who is he? This is Comrade Lenin. He laid the foundations of socialism and created the future and prosperity of the Russian people. I am taking it with me as a memory of our dear hero."_*


*The Russian customs officer let him go without further inspection. At Tel Aviv airport, the Israeli customs officer also asked our friend,  _"What is this?"_*

*He replied, _"What is this? Wrong question, Sir. You should be asking, 'Who is this?' This is Lenin, the bastard who caused me, a Jew, to leave Russia. I take this statue with me so I can curse him every day."_*

*The Israeli customs officer said, _"I apologize, Sir, you are cleared to go"_*


*Settling into his new house, he put the statue on a table. To celebrate his immigration, he invited his friends and relatives to dinner.*

*One of his friends asked, _"Who is this?"_*

*He replied, _"My dear friend, 'Who is this' is a wrong question. You should have asked, What is this? This is ten kilograms of solid gold that I managed to bring with me without paying any customs duty and tax."_*


*_Politics is when you can tell the same shit in different ways to fool a different audience, to allow you to look good in every way...._*