Laugh at the difference between men and women

There was a group of adults who were taking Computer Science course at

a Community College.

And after a few weeks of classes the Professor decided to have some fun one day

as a little learning activity.


And he divided them into by their sex and put the men on one side of the room and the women on the other side of the room.

And he said, “ I want you all to do a project in the next ten minutes and I just want you to determine what ‘Gender’ computer ought to be”

And so they deliberated and so finally there came the men and they voted unanimously that computers should be referred to in the feminine gender,

The reason why the Computer should be spoken up in the feminine gender is because :

1. No one but their Creator understand their internal logic.
2. When computers communicate with each other they speak in code language that only they and experts can understand.
3. Every mistake you make is stored on their hard drive for later retrieval.
4. Because as soon as you commit to one you find yourself spending half your paycheck on accessorising it.

The woman had the last word on this subject.

The woman vote unanimously Computers must be in the masculine gender.

Why ???

First of all, in order to get their attention you have to turn them on.

Secondly, they have a lot of data but still cannot think for themselves.

Thirdly, they are supposed to help you solve problems but half of the time they are the problem.

And the final reason they gave was…

Because as soon as you commit to one you realise that if you had waited a little longer you could have got.. a better model…