US theft - stealing from Afghanistan people to pay relatives of 9/11 victims in USA?

Why must ordinary Afghan citizens who had nothing to do with the September 11 attacks have their savings confiscated and their lives immiserated by bureaucrats in Washington?

On Friday 18 February 2022, President Joe Biden announced the US is taking the $7 billion in frozen funds currently held in US banks to give half to a humanitarian aid trust fund for Afghans and half to families of 9/11 victims.  This is taking someone else's money to use as you see fit. 

It's called THEFT.

But since this is being done by the US President in the name of the USA, evidently lawyers in that country and elsewhere in Europe, etc don't seem to see it as such. They have not protested against it.  Nor have most mainstream media cried out "FOUL". 

This is not only the US version of robbing Peter to pay Paul.

But what's also so unbelievable is that half of the money taken is to be used to compensate relatives of victims of 9/11 from a Taliban attack way back in 2001. 

Note : Is history going to repeat itself with the recent war between Russia and Ukraine ?? It is not only the US version of robbing Peter to pay Paul, it also exposed the US is the biggest bullier !