This is not new, but worth a second try…………..

1)How did he know?

A man was waiting at an airport for a plane to


Suddenly, he heard someone call his name.Looking up,

he saw an old friend of his hurrying toward him.


"Hey, Bill!" called his friend. "How are you? I

haven't seen you in years!"

"How are you?" exclaimed Bill. "Wow, you look


"I am married now, to someboby you don't know," said

the other."This is my daughter."

Bill smiled down at the little girl. "hi, young

lady. What's your name?"

"It's the same as my mama's," said the girl."Is that

so," said Bill,

winking at his friend.

"Then your name must be Cindy!"


How could he possibly know this?


2)Hungry horses

If five horses can eat five bags of oats in five

minutes, how long will

it take a hundred horses to eat a hundred bag of



3)The strange sisters

It was the first day of school. The teacher had

several children in her

class. She asked all the new children to write down

their names and

their date of birth for her.


The first two names she looked at were those of

girls. She saw that

they both had the same last name.They also had the

same  birthday---June 9,1973.


"Will Jane and June campbell please stand?" asked

the teacher.

Two girls stood up, and the teacher saw that they

were just alike.

"Oh, you're twins," she said.


One of the girls shook her head. "No," she said.

"We're sisters, but

we're not twins."How could they be sisters and be

the same age, but not twins?


4)A cutting problem

You have a long stick of wood that you want to cut

into ten pieces, all

the same length. it take one minute to make each

cut. How many minutes will

it take to cut the stick on till ten pieces?


5)The mystery of the missing fish

Two fathers and two sons went fishing. Each caught

one fish.

However, only three fish were caught. How was this



6)The tennis player

Once there was a player In the tennis game.  She

played very well, And

won great fame.


Jane was her first name,

What was her last name.

Q:Find Jane's last name



Scroll down for the answers:



>> <How did he know>

>> Bill knew the little girl's name because it was the

>> same as his

>> friend's name. His old friend, to whom he was

>> talking, was named Cindy,

>> and she was the little girl's mother.




>> <Hungry horses>

>> If five horses can eat five bags in five minutes,

>> then it takes each

>> horses five minutes to eat a bag of oats.

>> Therefore, it will take only five

>> minutes for 100 horses to eat 100 bags of oats.




>> <The strange sisters>

>> Jane and June Campbell were sisters, born on the

>> same day the same

>> year. But they weren't twins. They were two of a set

>> of triplets. The other

>> triplet, Jackie, was sick that day.




>> <A cutting problem>

>> It will take you 9 minutes to cut the stick into 10

>> pieces, because you

>> need to make only 9 cuts. The ninth cut turns the

>> last section  of wood

>> into 2 pieces --- the ninth and tenth pieces.




>> <The mystery of the missing fish>

>> The two fathers and two sons who went fishing were

>> actually only three

>> people --- a grandfather, his son, and his grandson.

>> The grandfather was his son's

>> father, and of course the son was his grandson's

>> father.

>> That makes two fathers. The grandfather's son was

>> one son, and his son

>> was the other.  So, if each of them caught one fish,

>> only three fish were caught.




>> <The tennis player>

>> The first and last names are given in the last two

>> lines of the poem.

>> Jane was her first name, What was her last name.

>> The two lines make

>> one complete sentence. And there is a full-stop at

>> the end of the

>> sentence, not a question mark. So the sentence

>> doesn't ask a question. It tells you

>> that Jane was the first name and that What was her

>> last name.

>> Her name was Jane What.