1) Steamed Rice with Garlic  

[The following is an excerpt translated from the above-Chinese-article for reference only. Use of terms may not be accurate according to the original.]

After eating steamed rice with chopped garlic for six months, the friend's high blood pressure, gout and sciatica symptoms disappeared. It is widely believed that eating garlic is a way of enhancing the immune system. Garlic is considered the "lingzhi" (ganoderma lucidum), for the poor. It has the effect to remove toxins from blood vessels. The U.S. military has previously used garlic as a portable antidote.  Apart from steaming, garlic can be used in cooking fried rice with salt and pepper for better taste.

Besides garlic, ginger is also beneficial to health and beauty.
蒜頭蒸飯 - 閱後傳知他人



一位朋友每天吃蒜頭蒸飯,晚餐用一把蒜頭切碎煮飯,半年之後高血壓消失了,痛風症消失了,坐骨神經痛亦消失了。 對於目前流行的非典型肺炎,他認為吃蒜頭是增強免疫力的方法,因為蒜頭是「窮人靈芝」,能通血管及清除毒素, 以前美軍亦用作隨身解毒劑。

:蒜頭越多越香,拍碎,油鍋炒香蒜頭放入鹽 ,煮好的飯加葫椒鹽拌炒 起鍋。另一位朋友提醒要多食維他命 C以增強抵抗力,並切忌吃煎炸熱氣食物,免引致喉嚨發炎,病毒就由此攻入。