A Singaporean left his job in Singapore and joined as a salesman in a big

departmental store in Australia.

On the first day, the Singaporean worked with full vigour.

At 6 pm:

Boss :- How much of sales did you do on the first day?

Singaporean: Sir, I attended to 1 Sale.

Boss : just Only 1 sale the whole day? Usually every salesman here does

20 to 30 Sale transactions a day. Well, tell me what is the money value

of your today's one sale?

Singaporean: $93300 dollars.

Boss : What! Unbelievable! But how did you do that?

Singaporean: Sir, 1 person came and I sold him a small fishing hook.

Then a mazola and then finally sold a big hook. Then I sold him 1 big fishing

rod and some fishing gear.

Then I asked him where does he go to catch fish and he said in the coastal area....

Then I said it would need a boat. So I took him down to the boat department and

sold him a 20 ft double engine schooner boat.

When he said the boat won't come in his Volkas Wagon, I took him to the auto

mobile section and sold him the new Deluxe 4 x 4 blazer to carry the boat.

And when I asked him where he would be going fishing ???  He didn't plan anything.

So I took him to the camping section and sold him a six sleeper camper tent.

And then he took groceries worth  $ 200  and 2 cases of beer.

Now the boss took 2 steps back and asked :- *You sold all this to the man who came just to buy only 1 fish hook*???

Singaporean: "NO, SIR..." *He ONLY Came to Buy 1 Tablet For his Headache....

I Explained to him that Fishing is the Best Way to Get Rid of Headaches.*


Boss : Where did you work before ??? 

Singaporean: Yes, I was a Minister in the government of Singapore: On any

minor issue, we make it seem like we are helping our people, but we end up

making them pay for a lot of useless stuff by making them believe it is good for them.


P/W  Not sure whether it is a joke or a compliment to Singaporean ??…