When I was about 9 years old, my father forced me to go with him to the funeral

Of a friend of his that I didn’t know.

When we got there, I stayed in a corner waiting for the time to go.  Then a man

Approached me and said :  Enjoy life boy, be happy because time flyes, look at

Me now, I didn’t enjoy it, he passed his hand over my head and left.


My father, before leaving, forced me to say goodbye to the dead person. 

When I looked in the coffin, I was startled that the man who was talking to me

When I was in the corner was the same man in the coffin.


For several years later, I was not able to sleep properly with repeated nightmare

And psychological disorder, I was terrified of being alone, I visited many

psychologist, I didn’t turn off the light at night and several other turmoil that

I had to endure through my adolescent ages.


Years later I discovered something incredible that changed my life.

That dead idiot had a twin brother !!


p/s  Life always full of surprises, never think the impossible but always think with an open mind.