“Christianity in Mosul is dead, and a Christian holocaust is in our midst,” said Mark Arabo, a Californian businessman and Chaldean-American leader. In an interview with CNN’s Jonathan Mann, he called what’s happening in Iraq a “Christian genocide” and said “children are being beheaded, mothers are being raped and killed, and fathers are being hung.”

Warning!!!!!! Pictures are very disturbing!!!! Stop strolling down if you cannot take it.....

Stop strolling ,if you have a weak heart !!!

CNS News  “Right now, three thousand Christians are in Iraq fleeing to neighboring cities,” he told Mann. Arabo is calling on the international community to follow France’s lead and offer the Christians of Iraq asylum.

“They are systematically beheading children,” Arabo repeated slowly. “And mothers and fathers. The world hasn’t seen an evil like this for generations.” “There’s actually a park in Mosul where they actually beheaded children and put their heads on a stick - this is crimes against humanity. They are doing the most horrendous, the most heart-breaking crimes that you can think of.”

Mann asked about the ISIS letter sent to Christians in Mosul, demanding that they either convert to Islam, pay a fine or be put to “death by the sword.” “It’s very clear they are killing people, but are Christians managing to escape by paying a fine?” he asked.

Arabo reports that after Christians pay the fine, the fighters take the Christian wives and children “and make them their wives – so it’s really convert, or die.” This is a tweet that reportedly shows Yazidi children who escaped the fighters by fleeing to the mountains, but have died from lack of food and water there:

Ezidi Kurdish children are dying of thirst and hunger on Sinjar mountains.

“They are absolutely killing every Christian they see,” Arabo said of ISIS. “This is absolutely a genocide in every sense of the word. They want everyone to convert, and they want sharia law to be the law of the land.”

Yazidi member of Iraqi Parliament, Fiyan Dakheel, (of the Kurdistan Alliance) collapses in tears after calling upon humanity to rescue the Yazidis from genocide by Sunni Muslims

ISIS is depriving the Yazidis of water in northern Iraq. It is nothing short of genocide. Iraqi Yazidis stranded on isolated mountaintop begin to die of thirst. Yet Obama is silent. The UN is silent. 

Washington Post  (h/t Gateway Pundit) Stranded on a barren mountaintop, thousands of minority Iraqis are faced with a bleak choice: descend and risk slaughter at the hands of the encircled Sunni extremists or sit tight and risk dying of thirst. Humanitarian agencies said Tuesday that between 10,000 and 40,000 civilians remain trapped on Mount Sinjar since being driven out of surrounding villages and the town of Sinjar two days earlier. But the mountain that had looked like a refuge is becoming a graveyard for their children.

Unable to dig deep into the rocky mountainside, displaced families said they have buried young and elderly victims of the harsh conditions in shallow graves, their bodies covered with stones. Iraqi government planes attempted to airdrop bottled water to the mountain on Monday night but reached few of those marooned.

Yazidi women who fled the violence in the northern Iraqi town of Sinjar sit Tuesday at a school where they are taking shelter, in the city of Dohuk in Iraq’s semi-autonomous Kurdistan region.

“There are children dying on the mountain, on the roads,” said Marzio Babille, the Iraq representative for the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF). “There is no water, there is no vegetation, they are completely cut off and surrounded by Islamic State. It’s a disaster, a total disaster.”

Most of those who fled Sinjar are from the minority Yazidi sect, which melds parts of ancient Zoroastrianism with Christianity and Islam. They are considered by the al-Qaeda-inspired Islamic State to be devil worshippers and apostates. READ MORE

Dakheel pleads with her fellow lawmakers:

“Mr. Speaker we are being butchered under the banner of There is no God but Allah. Until now 500 men and boys have been butchered… Please, Mr. Speaker allow me to finish. My family is being butchered… I am speaking here in the name of humanity. Please Save Us! Please Save Us!

By BareNakedIslam • Posted in Religion of Hate