Is the threat of China overtaking the US in R&D overblown? 

No, it is inevitable within the next 30 years. They will also pass us militarily and in overall size of the economy. People will turn away from the US, especially after the actions taken by Mr. Trump. They only deal with us now because they have to.

The only real way to make the transition easier is to enter into a comprehensive trading bloc that has negotiating power. That’s what the TPP was for.

We cannot go to war because they are nuclear armed, and we cannot crush them with tariffs because they don’t have western style elections. Their leaders can force the people to accept negative short term consequences without being voted out, and they will. Chinese culture is centered around the well being of the entire community, they are much more collectivist than we are. They believe in self sacrifice for the greater good; contrary to the American narrative they don’t seem to want democracy, and they don’t seem to want a first amendment either. It doesn’t seem to be holding them back.

We need to radically change our behavior and how we conduct ourselves internationally before we are left behind as a has-been. Historically, America has been able to remain strong because we adapt. However, half of our country now believes in rabid cultural exceptionalism so I don’t have any confidence that we will change our strategies, because they think we are the best at everything.

Note :   This article is well analysis and in depth understand the Chinese culture by the author.

International sanctions can not solve problems like the old days. People were misled

or were not  aware the real reasons behind of  WWI and WW2 !!  

It takes 30 years for China to become super economy compared to Japan it  only took 20 years to
become super economy after the WW2.

The world embraced Japan as super country for the passed 10 years, but why not embraced the
emerging superpower and super economy of
China in the same way??