Japan's professor of Physiology & Medicine, Professor Dr Tasuku Honjo, created a sensation in front of the media today by saying that the corona virus is not natural. If it is natural, it wouldn’t have adversely affected entire world like this, as per nature.  

Temperature is different in different countries. if it is natural, it would’ve adversely affected only those countries having same temperature as China. Instead, It is spreading in a country like Switzerland, in the same way it is spreading in the desert areas.

Whereas if it were natural, it would have spread in cold places, but died in hot places. I have done 40 years of research on animals and viruses. It is not natural. It is manufactured and the virus is completely artificial.

I have come  the conclusion that since USA has all the 5 strains mutating at the same time, and there are millions of infections with some around still not tested. It is obvious, that the the  huge number of death lends credibility to the CDC of America 's wrong classification of corona virus death in July to December 2019 to Flu diseases.

Also a reported leak and closure of Fort Detrick , and strange Coronavirus death spreading in Italy and Iran in November, even before the Wuhan outbreak , lend credibility to the early outbreak from America. I can now said with confidence USA is the source of the original outbreak. 



*令人震惊* 日本的生理学和醫學教授本庶佑(Tasuku Honjo)博士証明新冠狀病毒來自美国

*日本的生理学和醫學教授本庶佑(Tasuku Honjo)博士 (註一)今天在媒体面前製造了轟動,他说冠狀病毒不是天然的。如果這是自然的,根據性質它不會對整個世界造成這樣的負面影響.






(註一) *本庶佑(Tasuku Honjo),1942127日出生於日本京都府京都市,畢業於京都大學,免疫學家。2018年諾貝爾生理學及醫學獎獲得者,美國國家科學院外籍院士,日本學士院會員。現任京都大學高等研究院特別教授.

P/S  Corona Virus has managed to halt the world economy and human movement.

Global World Environment Movement has  reported a recovery in our eco system during this lock down period. Does it mean that the benefits have weighted more than the side effects??

Hopefully it could bring some senses and motivation to all nations to work together to preserve our natural resources, environment and our society..  Who ever manufactured this virus must be a genius who can foresee the world is
crying for help and nothing of evil thoughts,  or is it not ??