Iranian President Ahmadinejad takes CNN anchor Larry King to task!

Iranian President Ahmadinejad mocked and ridiculed Larry King and the United States over the China-Japan Diaoyu Islands issue during the following interview:

Larry King: 
Mr President, the interview time is over, but I still have a few questions to ask you. I don’t know, can I?
Ahmadinejad: Yes.
Larry King: 
Still on the issue of nuclear weapons, will Iran really not develop nuclear weapons?  It is something we are very worried about.
I would like to ask; which countries in this world have dropped atomic bombs on other countries?  
Who else besides the United States? Would you please point it out to me?
Larry King:............(Embarrassing silence)
The world should worry more about the United States than Iran!  Not only Iran did not drop atomic bombs on the territories of other countries, it also has no nuclear weapons.

Why should you worry about Iran? Just because you are "worried" about this country, you will hurt this country. What kind of logic is that?  

Just because of the so-called fears of the Americans, the United States has harmed Iraq and Afghanistan, caused the people of these two countries to suffer, and then harmed Iran. 

This seems to be the American logic; “As long as I worry about him, I will hurt him. “
I suspect this kind of mentality is not normal;
at the very least, this person is sick!
Larry King: 
The United States dropped the atomic bomb on Japan because it was a just war. The world knows that this is a blow to fascism. This is of positive significance to the early peace of the world.
I did not say that it was not an anti-fascist war, nor did I say that it was an unjust war. 
However, since it is anti-fascist, why don’t you drop atomic bombs on those who engage in militarism in Japan?  Not only on the leaders, but on the heads of (hundreds of thousands) innocent people?  

Is this the democracy, freedom, and human rights that Americans often talk about?  
Now, I ask Mr Larry King to tell me again; do you still think that the US bombing of Japanese civilians with atomic bombs is a just battle? Are you sure it is an act of justice??
Larry King: 
The elimination of fascism is of course a just battle.
The whole world is very clear about the nature of the war between the United States and Japan. Is there any doubt about this?
Yes, I have doubts.  I would like to ask the United States and Mr Larry King; since the eradication of Japanese fascism is a just war, all the crimes committed by Japan in the past should then be corrected. 

However, why has the Japanese occupation of China’s Diaoyu Islands not been restored to China as yet?
Putting management power in the hands of the Japanese?  

Why do the Japanese still claim to own the Diaoyu Islands, and why does the United States still support Japan's continued illegal occupation of China's Diaoyu Islands?
Larry King hesitated, intermittently, flustered and incoherent.  .  .  Then he pulled out a sentence:
.....that is a Sino-Japanese affair, I am not sure.....
Americans always pretend to be confused at critical times — just like you are now!