Nancy Pelosi: A beautiful sight to behold

HK and US: A tale of two protest movements

Minneapolis and Hong Kong are thousands of kilometers apart yet inspire comparisons of current events


Last summer when peaceful protest in Hong Kong morphed into violence and protesters turned into rioters setting metro and police stations on fire, the Speaker of the US House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, gushed that it was a beautiful landscape, a fight for democracy and freedom.

Now that beautiful sight has been exported to America so that Pelosi can enjoy watching police precinct buildings set on fire closer to home. Of course, America is the home of democracy and freedom, so the looting and burning can’t be for that. 

Meanwhile, the Republican Party will need to revise its campaign handbook and find a creative way to add race riots in American cities to the compilation of grievances to blame on China….

HK government withdraws, protesters advance

The protest began ostensibly peacefully. When the government agreed to review the statute, which it subsequently withdrew, the protesters rather than backing off felt that they had gained the upper hand and turned violent, while increasing their list of demands.

Spontaneous protests took place in America’s major cities under the banner of “Black Lives Matter” and the victim’s last words, “I can’t breathe,” became a marching slogan. Looting and arson quickly ensued.

By and large, America’s finest upheld their duty to protect law and order with clubs, teargas and rubber bullets. In three days of peaceful marches and not so peaceful riots, more were arrested than the total arrested in Hong Kong after more than three months of disturbances and mayhem. By the end of last week, 13 people had been killed.

In Hong Kong, the Western media were free to roam, run interference for and select the protest scenes that met their needs to report on police brutality while ignoring the rioters and arsonists doing the destruction. 

Members of the media covering the protests became deliberate targets of police harassment with teargas and rubber bullets. One photojournalist lost her left eye to a direct hit by a rubber bullet. She expressed being “thankful” that it was not her camera-shooting eye, which would have been career-ending.

 America’s finest upheld their duty to protect law and order with clubs, teargas and rubber bullets. In three days of peaceful marches and not so peaceful riots, more were arrested than the total arrested in Hong Kong after more than three months of disturbances and mayhem. By the end of last week, 13 people had been killed.

While looters in American cities were indiscriminate and their actions included the random destruction of shops owned by ethnic minorities, the looters in Hong Kong were careful and selective and targeted stores with mainland owners.

The rioters in Hong Kong seem to have been professionally trained. They knew how to make Molotov cocktails to deadly effect and use the umbrella to fend off teargas.

The rioters in Hong Kong were led by experienced advisers who knew how to create mass disturbances. The protests that led to riots in the US were spontaneous and driven by rage.

 When a young couple from Hong Kong visited Taiwan and the young man murdered his girlfriend and returned to Hong Kong free as a bird, that ironically became the seed to sow discontent. 

HK extradition to prevent cross-border crime

To prevent future criminal acts, the Hong Kong SAR government responded to a popular petition for justice by proposing a carefully crafted, duly vetted, safeguard-loaded extradition provision. The anti-government and anti-China faction saw the proposal as the opportunity to histrionically allege a threat to their freedom and an excuse to restart a movement calling for democracy.”…..

The roots of racial unrest in the
US go back centuries, not just decades as is the case with Hong Kong, derived as they were from the violent assertion of supremacy by whites over the blacks and all other ethnic minorities of color.

“Internal security has worsened, with increasing evidence of terrorist activities aimed at bringing the HK police to its knees and overthrowing the government. The anti-government movement seems well funded, and this raises the question as to the source of funds,” he said.

 The negotiated handover in 1997 was to return Hong Kong as a rightful part of China. Nothing in the “one country, two systems” policy implicitly or explicitly commits a right to autonomy or independence for the people of Hong Kong….

As of June 1, more than 50% of eligible voters in Hong Kong had signed a petition in support of the national-security legislation. Anyone hoping to invite in the US Marine Corps to “liberate” Hong Kong is chasing a pipe dream and needs to face the reality that Hong Kong will no longer tolerate traitors or acts of treason….

P/S  After we seem slowly managed controlling the spread of Covic 19 pandemic, now we are quickly jump into riots causing social unrest and curfew again in certain part of the world.  Hong Kong’s riot was sparked by a murder case happened in Taiwan and the government wants to bring in law and order to HK extradition to prevent cross-border crime and national security. 

Where else  America’s riot sparked by the death of a black citizen in the hand of policemen, the protesters demand a fair punishment and against excess forced being used by the police toward citizen especially black people.

The initial both case actions are fair and genuine that the Hong Kong government and the America protesters are calling for a law and order.

Unfortunately protesters from both countries are being mislead, hijacked by looters  and certain activists to  instigate more riots to achieve certain group of people political benefits.

Problem cannot be resolved if we continue to unload emotional baggage violently.
When the dust settles down, all citizen will have to pay the cost to restore the damages themselves, it will
drag down the financial recovery period after the Covic19 .