Malaysian durian now command better prices and profits too.

Number 1「猫山王」 (Mao Shan Wang, Musang King')Musang King lovers swear by its rich, creamy taste. The best Musang King was from Pahang. The Musang King’s flesh is yellow, It’s creamy, too, and has a fragrance that lingers long in your mouth. The quality is consistent and you cannot find fault from one pulp to the other.

Number 2 Udang Merah (Ang Hae) D 175Udang Merah is in a long oval skin shaped and it has short thorns. Its soft and fine texture together with its sweet and creamy taste of thick and yellow flesh makes this durian as one of the most delicious durians!

umber 3 D 600 If you like a slightly bitter taste yet creamy and sweet, D 500 is the answer! Although its texture is rough, its mouth-watering thick and yellowish gold flesh will never turn you down! This durian is in a medium-sized of yellowish green skin.

Number 4  D101Sweet & good fragrance, Smooth flesh & small seed, Red Flesh & High Quality taste is creamy and delicious of fine texture. If you found a long oval shaped and golden coloured husk with short and sharp thorns of skin, it is this type of durian! 

Number 5 Ho Lor durianHo Lor is in a medium-sized and long oval shaped of skin. Its solid and yellow flesh gives you a soft and quality taste of sweet and creamy. Tasty enough to lure you!

Number 6 ThRakaNever heard of it right? Neither have I. It's also called 竹脚. Fragrant Durian & taste good. Sweet & acrid taste, small seed & High quality

Number 7 XO DurianSo we got a XO replacement that turned out really creamy and tasted so much better.

umber 8 Penang D24
With the shape of heart, this type of durian is soft and creamy in texture and it comes with deliciously sweet and creamy taste too! 

Number 9 Amy YipAmy Yip disguises its rich and sweet taste under spherical shape skin of long thorns. You will find delicious 1-4 cloves per pod in there too!

Number 10 Kulit HijauAlmost similar to Lipas Kuning, Kulit Hijau taste is rich, sweet and creamy but the flesh is slightly hard and yellowish white in colour.