Note :  Article received from Malaysia News.

Don't misuse Prophet Muhammad's name to justify rape and marriage - ex-mufti Ismail Yahya

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Don't misuse Prophet Muhammad's name to justify rape and marriage, ex-mufti says Hornbill Unleashed @ 8:01 AM 8 May 2017

Islam does not suggest that it is OK to have sex and then marry minors, the
former mufti of Terengganu said today.

At a public forum on child marriages here, Datuk Ismail Yahya chided Muslims
who have been misusing the name of their last prophet, Muhammad, to justify
their lust and as a form of "escapism".

"That is not right. The religion does not suggest that," said Ismail who is
also a former Terengganu Shariah court judge.

He noted there were Muslims who had cited Prophet Muhammad's marriage to
Aisha, often portrayed as a nine-year old girl in the Quran, but said there
have been many Islamic scholars who have questioned the calculation of her

He then said there were other considerations for a Shariah judge before
approving marriage applications to minors.

"To me, how far the marriage can make the child happy is subjective. It's to
do with how she is treated and nafkah," he said, using an Arabic word
meaning subsistence for living.

"But, just because he has raped the girl, that is not a reason for a Shariah
Court judge to approve the marriage application," he added.

Ismail warned those seeking to legitimise statutory rape and marriage with
their victims behind the cloak of religion that Islam had dire penalties for

"For men like these, according to Islamic laws, it is the death penalty.
Death by stoning. Not marriage.

"So if we want to apply the law, we apply it together and not in parts," he

Also at the same forum was Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (PPBM) Youth
leader Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman who said he shared the same view.

"To the majority of Malay Muslims out there, you are not Prophet Muhammad.
Stop pretending you are Prophet Muhammad," the former national debater said
to applause from the audience.

Syed Saddiq urged religious leaders and those who propagate the idea of a
moderate Islam to speak out against child marriages.

"As of now, there is no legitimate religious voice to speak up against child
marriages," he said, claiming this to be the reason why many Muslims were
afraid to voice their opinions.

Both Ismail and Syed Saddiq were speaking at the forum titled "Child
marriage: Setting our children up to fail".

The subject had sparked a national uproar last month after the Umno MP for
Tasek Gelugor Datuk Shabudin Yahaya suggested in Parliament that marriage
might be a solution for statutory rape.
Source : YISWAREE PALANSAMY @ The Malay Mail Online

Rapists should be stoned to death and not offered marriage, says former

BY D.KANYAKUMARI Sunday, 7 May 2017 | MYT 7:00 PM

KUALA LUMPUR: Rapists should not be allowed to marry the victim, in fact,
they should rightfully be stoned to death, says former Terengganu Mufti
Datuk Ismail Yahya.

He said many people were misusing the religion and religious teachings for
their own benefit.

"They either do it to their own religion or the religion of others. It
becomes what we call escapism," he said at a forum Child Marriage: Setting
our children up to fail.

Ismail explained that an underage girl should not be married off solely
because she was raped.

"That is not right. The religion does not suggest that.

"Would marrying him keep her happy in the long term? Would it truly benefit
her? Would the guy be able to look after her?

"You can't just marry off the girl just because she was raped, because if we
really want to follow the religion the rapist should be stoned to death, not
have him married his victim," said Ismail, a former Terengganu Syariah court
chief judge.

Asked about child marriage cases he heard during his time as a Syariah court
judge, Ismail said despite having offered counselling to the families
involved, he always faced tremendous pressure from the families to approve
such marriages.

DAP lawmaker Teo Nie Ching said people feel that child marriages "is the
solution to the increasing numbers of teen pregnancy cases."

"I admit, teen pregnancy is getting worst here, but getting them into
marriage doesn't solve the problem at all. Stop rushing them into marriage.

"As for baby dumping, it happens because of the shame and stigma revolving
around the issue.

"We need to have a support system which include a better organised adoption
system," she said.

She noted the difficulty in legally adopting a child in Malaysia and urged
the government to improve the system.

Former mufti Ismail Yahya: Zina no reason for allowing child marriage
Judges should not approve an application by a child to marry, simply because
the child has had sex, said a former mufti.

If this Shabudin Yahya, the rapist-hugging MP was a former syariah court
judge, then the cases he "judged" ought to be re-examined.

Shabudin Yahya kata mangsa rogol yang kahwin perogolnya
akan hidup bahagia
Shabudin menafikan pelajaran tinggi pada kanak kanak perumpuan
dan juga peluang untuk berjaya dalam apa jua bidang yang di pilihinya

BN MP Shabudin Yahya: Marriage after rape a remedy for 'social problems'

MP Shabudin YahayaMP: Okay for rapists to marry victims, even some
9-year-olds can marry

Future 'not bleak' for victims if they marry their rapists, Umno MP says