Dog sits by owner’s grave for six years

Yahoo!7 September 14, 2012, 11:51 am

A faithful dog has refused to move from his master’s grave in six years, a British family claims.

German Shepherd pet ‘Capitan’ ran away after his owner Miguel Guzman died in 2006, The UK Sun reports.

A week later Mr Guzman’s family visited the grave and came across the missing dog sitting by the tombstone.

Mr Guzman bought Capitan as a present for his 13-year-old son Damian in 2005 but died suddenly in March the next year.

Since then the grieving dog has rarely left the spot at the cemetery the family claim.

Mr Guzman’s widow Vernonica was reported as saying: “We had never taken him to the cemetery so it is a mystery how he managed to find the place.

Cemetery director Hector Baccega remembers the day he first saw the dog.

He said: “He turned up here one day, all on his own, and started wandering all around the cemetery until he eventually found the tomb of his master.

“During the day he sometimes has a walk around the cemetery, but always rushes back to the grave. And every day, at six o’clock sharp, he lies down on top of the grave and stays there all night.”

Mr Baccega said staff at the cemetery in Villa Carlos Paz, central Argentina are now feeding and taking care of Capitan.

Mr Guzman’s son Damian said: “I’ve tried to bring Capitan home several times, but he always comes straight back to the cemetery. I think he’s going to be there until he dies too. He’s looking after my dad.”