Subject: Do not dial (90#) for anyone
Please read below and pass on to your family & friends.

Got a call last night from an individual identifying himself as an Telstra Service technician who was conducting a test on our Telephone lines. 
He stated that to complete the test I should touch nine(9),zero ( 0), hash (#) and then hang up.  Luckily, I was suspicious and refused. 
Upon contacting the telephone company, I was informed that by pushing 90#, you give the requesting individual full access to your telephone line, which allows them to place long distance telephone calls billed to your home phone number.
I was further informed that this scam has been originating from many of the local Jails/prisons.

DO NOT press 90# for ANYONE. PLEASE pass this on to your friends. 
If you have mailing lists and/or newsletters from organizations you are connected with, I encourage you to pass this on.

Stephen Cooper
Detective Senior Constable 29748
Victoria Police State Crime Squads 
Level 12, 412 St. Kilda Road , Melbourne  
(03) 9865 2663 or 0414644499