"COVID-19 The Possible Truth ? "

 The truth is that the United States is the country that is most obsessed with biological warfare in the world today.  The United States has more than 200 biochemical laboratories around the world.
 A report from the Pentagon pointed out that the cost of biological warfare is extremely low, and $0.29 can kill 65,000 people!

 That's it!

 The United States will never allow other countries to be on an equal footing with it, as soon as they reach 70%, the United States will destroy their economies like the Soviet Union and Japan.

 Now, it is China's turn.

 It is not feasible to start a war with China, because China's military power is not like those countries in the Middle East. China have atomic bombs and hydrogen bombs, and Dongfeng intercontinental missiles, not easy to conquer.

 Fighting a trade war, China is the country with the most complete manufacturing system in the world. U.S. trade sanctions will no longer be effective against China.

 Therefore, the United States thought of something that could kill 65,000 people for  US$0.29.
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 To engage in biological warfare, the most important thing is not to get self-immolation. To deal with China, it must be tailored to kill only the yellow race and the whites must be immune.

 As a result, the American company Gilead smuggled out more than 5,000 Chinese people's serum, falsely claiming it was a dog serum sample, but was caught and punished by China.

 At this point, we just remembered the words of Japanese Finance Minister Taro Aso at the end of February: "The new crown virus is only a disease for Asians."  This passage is really not shocking.

 More directly, the governor of New York said at an epidemic press conference: "We originally thought this virus only attacks the immune system of Asians."

 Because the new virus was originally tailored for Asia & Asians in the United States, from the early days of the outbreak in China, Trump said: "Soon, I will give China a big gift."

 What is this big gift?  Is it the antidote?

 In early February, shortly after the city of Wuhan was locked down, American pharmaceutical companies hyped their own antidote "Remdesivir" was on the stage!  How did the United States have the antidote to a new virus that has never been seen before?

 On March 2, Trump still vowed to say "the United States will produce a vaccine, soon, really."

 On March 3, the big idiot once again said, "We not only have vaccines, but also treatments! The other meaning of treatments is that they can be cured."

 On March 16, the first batch of "white mice" in the United States received vaccination.  The United States is not the first country to have an outbreak. How did it carry out research and development tests and come up with antidotes and vaccines at the speed of light?

 Even more exciting is that this company that produces the antidote and vaccines is the main contractor of the US Department of Defense's biological warfare project, and the majority shareholder is former US Secretary of Defense, Rumsfeld.

 Shouldn't research on vaccines and testing antidotes be the work of pharmaceutical laboratories?  When is it the work of the ‘Biological Warfare Laboratory’ to study?  How did the United States know that the new crown vaccine is  biological warfare, rather than epidemics such as smallpox, cholera, and Ebola?

 Time to go back to the summer of 2019

 At that time, due to inadequate safety training and lax management of the virus laboratory in Maryland, a virus leak occurred.  The project closed after just over a month.

 But a big mistake has been made, the virus has leaked, and two nearby towns have suffered first, people first suffered from a strange lung disease-white lung, and this white lung has exactly the same symptoms as the later new coronary virus pneumonia.

 It's not hard to see that it's a military secret. The virus must be covered, and it is necessary to find a scapegoat.

 As a result, the e-cigarette that had appeared as early as 2003 suddenly became the victim. When the flu broke out, the e-cigarette could finally be blamed. The so-called white lung is the flu.

 The time came on October 18-27, 2019. During the Wuhan Military Games, the American biochemical troopers disguised as Trojan horses got into Wuhan City, and Wuhan was hit!

 After the poisoning, the United States has been waiting for good news.

 When the epidemic broke out in China, the U.S. Department of Commerce immediately couldn't bear the joy of it, and publicly stated: The epidemic in China will force the manufacturing industry to return to the United States.

 In other words, China is poisoned!  Yay!

 The United States has the antidote in its hands, and it is confident that it will not cause chaos in the world, so it hopes that the more severe the epidemic, the better.  When the world is in turmoil, the United States will sell vaccines and antidote to the world, to gain fame and fortune. More importantly, whether to sell to China or not  depends on Trump's mood.  Wow, when I think of this, the White House can't fall asleep with excitement.

 More importantly, this virus only targets Asians. Whites are fine. Trump can sit back and relax. You can see that he did not wear a mask when the epidemic was the worst.
 Trump, the villain, has been trumpeting from day to night:
 "No one knows the virus better than me
 Our country is doing great
 You don’t need to wear masks, we are in full control of the situation
Someday the virus will disappear like a miracle
We have almost suppressed the virus from China. Now there are 15 confirmed cases, and it will return to zero in a few days.
The virus is just a prank. I think the assembly is okay and very safe. There is no need to go to the hospital to see a doctor..."
 No matter how you listen, Trump acts like a general director with an antidote in his hands and a script in his heart.

The result that the United States did not expect at all was that the Chinese government led 1.4 billion Chinese to control the epidemic within two months, thus becoming the safest place in the world. What Americans did not expect was that the United States became the most dangerous place in the world with the highest number of confirmed cases!  The manufacturing industry not only did not return to the United States, but ushered in the Great Depression. People all over the world are speculating when the United States will fall!

 After this pandemic, China became more united and gained real control of the virus. Meanwhile the USA is still 'enjoying' its retribution, the Wuhan virus has become the Trump virus. The sound of yellow people’s sickness has become a bad dream of the White House and its lackeys.

P/S Here I implore, every brother and sister who has read this article, do more research before finger pointing and mislead by people who concocted the story !  World will be raging of war if we do not stop our selfish behaviour.  The lack of compassion and wrong perception in handle the problem will only make the matter worse, please practice patient and understanding . ..