Bed sores cured by banana leaf ??

For people who battling with bed sores. 

Anyway, since most of us still have elderly loved ones to look after; I would like to share with you the healing properties of banana leaf.


My diabetic dad suffered from one persistent bed sore a few months ago on his sitting bone. 

Just when we thought we have lost the battle, our maid suggested for us to try her kampung (village) method of covering the bedsore with a fresh banana leaf.

Like a miracle, the bedsore started healing within 48 hours and was gone after a week. So, if you know of anyone battling with bedsores, maybe recommend them the use of fresh banana leaf.

For those who want to try, just wash and dry a fresh banana leaf and place it over a freshly cleaned bedsore".   

*Please Share this Helpful Information to All your Family & Friends..

Bedsores are ulcers that happen on areas of the skin that are under pressure from lying in bed, sitting in a wheelchair, or wearing a cast for a prolonged time. Bedsores are also called pressure injuries, pressure sores, pressure ulcers, or decubitus ulcers. Bedsores can be a serious problem among frail older adults.


Note :  The above received from whats'app group. Please consult doctor before trying.
Never under estimate the effectiveness of old remedy for some illness !!