At first glance, it looks like a man from an indigenous tribe relaxing. The 
photograph is by Alice Seeley Harris and the man’s name is Nsala. 
In reality, this Congolese man is looking at the detached foot and hand 
of his 5-years-old daughter who was killed and allegedly dismantled, by 
the members of Anglo-Belgian India Rubber Company militia. King Leopold II 
was the king of Belgium, who privately owned the Congo state in Central Africa. 
He massacred 10 million Africans by chopping off their hands and genitals
scourging them to death. Nsala hadn’t completed his daily rubber quota for the day, 
so Leopold’s overseers had cut off his daughter’s foot and hand. Later they killed 
his wife and dismantled her.

Now the West is trying to down live their evil ways and protray themselves as
champion of human rights and whatnot, etc.

Note :  History has proven there were many cruelty incidents to vulnerable human being during war time, slavery and genocide in the name of power & greed, hope the perpetrators will get their punishment and judgement day ..