A plane made an emergency landing on water.
The stewardess asked the passengers to slide down to
the lifeboats, but the passengers refused.

The stewardess then asked the captain to help.

The captain, being very knowledgeable and experienced, guided her 
"You tell the Americans this is a ADVENTURE. 
Tell the British this is HONOUR,
Tell the French this is a ROMANTIC activity, and tell the
German this is the LAW. 
Tell the Japanese this is an ORDER, and everyone will be 
sorted out."

The stewardess remembered the flight had some passengers from India 
and Singapore too. :What about them?", she asked.

The captain laughed, "Easy, just tell the Indians the activity is FREE."

Can I convince the Pakistanis ??

Yes dear, just whisper, " This is a suicide mission !"

"And what about the Singaporeans ?" she persisted.

The captain, taking a deep breath, patiently explained,
"You need not tell the Singaporeans anything, my dear.
Once they see a QUEUE, they will join it without questions !"

P/S How nice we still can joke about without having to apply for a permit ..