8 big :( sadmistakes :-O surprisemy mum made
The 1st mistake my mother made was not telling me honesty is the best policy:-? thinking only when there is money in it
The 2nd mistake my mother made was not telling me you can make lots of money from the art of misleading, deceiving and generally telling lies '@^@||| dizzy
The 3rd mistake my mother made was not telling me people in this world are so :-/ confusedgullible and 8-> day dreamingcredulous
The 4th mistake my mother made was not teaching me the universal cat :x lovestruckprinciple – no harm asking for what you want
The 5th mistake my mother made was not to get me into the no-limit-but-your-imagination ;) winkingalternative medicine industry
The 6th mistake my mother made was not telling me it’s easy to be a dog :->~~ spookyas long as you accept its fleas'@-@ search me
The 7th mistake my mother made was her advice NEVER to read alternative health books :-S worriedin case I die of a misprint
The 8th mistake my mother made was not to advise me - never free a camel of the burden of his hump o|:-) catchlest it frees him from being a camel   
The only thing my mum did right was to never let schooling interfere with my education?@_@? studying